GEN: Diverse Approaches, Common Goals Evident at Single-Cell/AI Symposium

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Genetic Engineering & Biotech News (GEN) writes:

We are at the cusp of a new era in therapeutic research, proclaimed Fabrice Chouraqui, PharmD, CEO of Cellarity. At the time, he was kicking off the second Single Cell and AI in Medicine Symposium (SCAIM23), which was held last May at Boynton Yards in Somerville, MA. But his remarks were clearly intended for a broader audience, one that includes GEN readers and anyone, really, who is interested in the way drug development is being revolutionized by new technology—specifically, innovations at the intersection of single-cell analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), and biology.

The themes outlined by Chouraqui were articulated throughout the symposium. For example, the event’s talks and panels emphasized the development of new genomics technologies, the accumulation of multiomics data, and the application of AI and deep learning models. All these activities are generating profound biological insights and speeding the introduction of novel drugs to developer’s pipelines. These drugs qualify as novel because they are currently undiscoverable with existing technologies, but they are becoming discoverable now that single-cell and AI technologies are being improved and—just as important—unified.

Read the full article here.

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