BioIT World: Discovery To Creation - Highlights from the 2023 Single-Cell and AI in Medicine Symposium

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By Randall C. Willis with review and comments from Fabrice Chouraqui, Laurens Kruidenier, Chad Nusbaum, Diogo Camacho

August 2, 2023 | “Technology and computation are revolutionizing the way we are creating and developing new drugs,” Cellarity CEO Fabrice Chouraqui announced to open the Second Single-Cell and AI in Medicine Symposium on May 4 in Boston, hosted by the company. Much like Cellarity itself, he suggested, the field of drug discovery is shifting its approach from viewing complex biology as something to be overcome using reductionist principles to something to embrace in a more holistic approach to cell biology.

Although traditional approaches to drug discovery have been successful, company CSO Laurens Kruidenier continued, there are clearly clinical indications where new approaches are required. He offered the example of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), where despite the completion of more than 50 clinical trials against 30 different targets over the last five years, no therapeutic candidates have received FDA approval.

Rather than focus on single molecular targets, Kruidenier explained, Cellarity focuses on the cell in its entirety, arguing that the cell is a better proxy for disease than any single target and artificial intelligence stands to transform drug discovery from a serendipitous process to a design process. For him, it is time for drug discovery to become drug creation.

“With this new approach,” he pressed, “we will access new biology and address diseases that are currently not addressable, remove a lot of the traditional constraints in the R&D process, find new chemistry, and do this faster and cheaper.”

Read the full article on Bio-IT World here.

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